You don’t need to be a spirits expert to be impressed by the quality of products emanating from this hive of passion and creativity. Pooling their respective talents and experience has given Tricia and Shane the platform on which to offer the discerning customer an experience second to none.
Entering the world of Southern Collective in its pristine headquarters in Downtown Nashville, Tennessee, is to be instantly transported to a quiet haven of excellence. Here is the antithesis of mass production. The team has a single objective: To give each and every customer an opportunity to find a single barrel or a blend which makes the most of their personal palate.
Beyond the intimate process of matching taste profiles with its visitors, the company has begun to roll out small batches of superb bourbons and whiskeys, distinctive vodkas and barrel-aged agave spirits, which we are now offering around the world. The company’s branding is as recognizable as the uniqueness of the flavors it represents. If you’re fortunate to find a Southern Collective bottle on a shelf, you can be certain it won’t be there for long.